St Margarets Movember 2020 - Registration is now open! Ready to shave?
We're ready to start taking registrations!
Are you ready to grow your November weapon?
It's simple - upload a picture of your starting baby - and we'll ask you for 4 more photos during the month.
Just to recap the starting point - you can start with a clean shave or you can model your chosen weapon from a pre existing beard and groom your pet! We just want you to wear your weapon in November and from this we'll push donations for Pieta House.
[button style='black' url='' arrow='true']Enter Now[/button]
St Margarets Movember 2020 - how it works!
We're almost ready to go - this Sunday is the start of the campaign - so you've 2 days to decide if you're in or out - please be in! Here's a recap of our campaign and why we're doing it, what's expected of you, and your key dates and what to do on those dates.
Why are we doing this
- The crack! Be proud of your weapon! Walk tall!
- Raise awareness for mens mental health
- Raise money for Pieta House - our chosen charity for this campaign
What's expected of you
It's simple ...
- The basic idea is that lads will appear in public in November with their weapon of choice. This can start with a clean shave or if you have a beard already - create your starting weapon from it - and groom that baby throughout.
- We'll ask you to submit 4 photos over the course of November after your initial photo at the beginning - so recap - 1 at the start, 1 at the end and 3 in between! You'll be asked each time to select the weapon you're aiming for - we'll use this as part of the judging at the end to see if you're dreaming?
- All your weapon submissions can be submitted here. Don't worry - we'll remind you on the Saturday before each Sunday via email and will provide you with all the information and links you need - no excuses!
- Each time you submit, your weapon will be added to a collage of weapons here. We'll use this as a basis to judge the bests weapons and we'll promote the campaign using this to raise funds for Pieta House
- At the end of the month - we'll have a shave off (venue to be decided) - and we'll have a very special prize for the best weapon. Hopefully we'll be out of lock down at that point and may have a few beers where we can bid fair well to our November babies.
Key dates and what to do
Initially ..
- 01/11/2020 (Sun) - start (after your initial shave)
... then end of each week, submit your weapon ...
- Week 1 - 08-11-2020 (Sun)
- Week 2 - 15-11-2020 (Sun)
- Week 3 - 22-11-2020 (Sun)
- Week 4 - 29-11-2020 (Sun)
... then finally the big shave - say good bye your November pal ...
- To be announced
The following links are always available throughout the course of November ..
- Head Quarters - we'll post our progression weapon chart here and useful tips for looking after your weapons
- Growth Submission - this is where you'll submit your photos 5 times
- Progress Chart - this is where your weapons will appear and this collage will grow (with your weapons) over the month
- How it works - a recap of how this works and why we're doing it
Weapons you can choose
You'll be asked to choose one of these babies each time you submit ...
St Margarets Movember 2020 - you ready to weapon up? 2 days to go!
This November - we're looking for as many St Margarets men as possible to take part in our Movember 2020 and raise as much as possible for our chosen charity Pieta House. It’s a charity close to everyone’s heart and I’m sure we’ve all been touched by the nature of it in some way or other.
At a minimum - we'd suggest a rough target of €20 per head - so get sponsored and raise as much as possible over the month - and deposit your funds into our Go Fund Me. We can arrange printed sponsorship cards for anyone that wants (request by emailing
If you want to participate ....
- Join our whatsapp group
- Have a clean shave Oct 31st
- 'Grow the mo' over the course of November
- Every week in November - upload a pic of your weapons progress (upload to Whatsapp group / dedicated link will be provided)
- Throughout November - self promote (always include the Go Fund Me link in your own promotions) - lets raise as much as possible!
- Participate in shave off (if in country) - Dec 1st - COVID permitted
Remember - this is all fun - needed more during these strange times - and if we can raise some awareness for mens mental health - great. But let's raise as much cash as possible for Pieta House and we'll be proud to write and send that cheque Dec 1st.
A photo we found from the archives :) ...

St Margarets Movember 2020 - you ready to weapon up?
This November - we're looking for as many St Margarets men as possible to take part in our Movember 2020 and raise as much as possible for our chosen charity Pieta House. It’s a charity close to everyone’s heart and I’m sure we’ve all been touched by the nature of it in some way or other.
At a minimum - we'd suggest a rough target of €20 per head - so get sponsored and raise as much as possible over the month - and deposit your funds into our Go Fund Me. We can arrange printed sponsorship cards for anyone that wants (request by emailing
If you want to participate ....
- Join our whatsapp group
- Have a clean shave Oct 31st
- 'Grow the mo' over the course of November
- Every week in November - upload a pic of your weapons progress (upload to Whatsapp group / dedicated link will be provided)
- Throughout November - self promote (always include the Go Fund Me link in your own promotions) - lets raise as much as possible!
- Participate in shave off (if in country) - Dec 1st - COVID permitted
Remember - this is all fun - needed more during these strange times - and if we can raise some awareness for mens mental health - great. But let's raise as much cash as possible for Pieta House and we'll be proud to write and send that cheque Dec 1st.
A photo we found from the archives :) ...