Communications – Heja – an alternative to Whatsapp?

Heja is a user friendly, GDPR compliant app that mentors can use to manage their team / parents.

From the Heja website …

A team includes everybody, from families to coaches, friends and supporters. Easily organize and communicate with everybody on your sports team in one free and simple app.

Lets break it down – so what are the benefits of Heja for parents and coach / mentors?

Benefits for parents

One of the great benefits of Heja as a parent is you only need to click to say whether your child is going or not going. That’s it. Simple. You do not see messages from any other parent about little Johnny clashing with soccer or little Suzy clashing with basketball. If you want to give a reason for your child not attending you can send it to the coach only. Keeping your business private.

Parents can also message each other privately to arrange lifts etc so everyone in the group doesn’t become inundated with messages that are of no concern to them. This also means that everything doesn’t need to go through the coach.

Benefits for Coaches / Mentors


Schedule games and training, with automatic reminders to parents and players. Heja helps you stay organised throughout the season.

Benefit of this for the coach is at the top of each event training or match etc you get a total number of how many players you will have. No more scrolling up and down whatsapp messages to see who has thumbs up and who has thumbs down, who has changed from thumbs up to thumbs down etc.

Would this be a great feature for the U13 boys team perhaps? ie there are over 60 boys to manage!

Player Availability

Stay updated on who’s attending games and practices, and when and why someone can’t. Heja also reminds everyone to reply!

Benefits for both


This is a fantastic feature for privacy.

Send messages to …

  • Individual team members
  • Groups
  • Entire team

… it’s up to you. Read receipts guarantee you know who’s seen your message and who hasn’t.

Multiple Teams

Are you a coach or player on several teams? Heja makes it simple for coaches, parents or players to be part of more than one team — keeping all team info in one easy-to-find place!

Share Moments

The safe and secure way to share team photos with everyone that didn’t make it to the game. Share the result, images or videos!


If you’re interested in using Heja for your team – download it here – and get started! If you’ve comments on Heja or comments on anything at all – please tell us what you think.

Here’s a few videos we’ve selected that might give you more of an idea ..

and here’s another …