Movember 2020 – Weapon photo required this evening!

Submit your growth!

Week 2 is coming to a close so please all minders of growths – please submit your weapon progress …

[button style=’black’ url=’’ arrow=’true’]Submit my baby[/button]

… and let’s have a look how your hairy squirrel is growing on our progress chart! Please note that you have until Sunday evening to submit your furry friend – so take your time – but you MUST submit your whisky wonder or you will be named and shamed and relentlessly hounded!

Thank you so much to everyone out there who’ve donated – we’ve reached an astonishing €3,200! Thank you again and please keep it coming! Our goal is €4,000 – but we will do so much better as those weapons develop!


If you know of anyone who hasn’t donated yet and might want to – here’s a share link you can share with them ..
