Dividend Decision

We have 2 quick polls we’d like you to take.

The Lotto Syndicate Cycle 1 (Nov Dec 2021 Jan 2022) is coming to a close – at the time of writing – 5 draws to go. Your dividend for each share is currently paying €3.06 (€532/176). We hope to hit the jackpot but in the mean time we’re trying to plan the next steps if we don’t.

Cycle 2 (Feb, March, April 2022) will start Feb 1st 12:01 and we’ll soon (next week) open up registrations for this cycle separately.

Can you please quickly tick the below option anonymously so we can understand the sentiment.

There is also a question below about this Saturdays €19M Irish Lotto which has to be won (more here). We’d like to propose to you that we take €100 from the total dividend pot and purchase tickets for this must win draw.