Remembering our Past ... Drogheda Independent 16-11-1907 - Ceilidh at St Margarets

Drogheda Independent 1884-current, 16.11.1907, page 4

Ceilidh at St Margarets

All arrangements are completed for the great Ceilidh to be held in the Old aural on to-morrow night, and if the rain keeps away we are sure to have a full house.

It is a well known fact that no one who ever attended a Ceilidh in St Margaret's went away without thoroughly enjoying themselves, and we promise our friends that to-morrow night will be even more enjoyable than any of them, which is saying a good deal.

The Ceilidh commences at 7 o'clock, doors open at 6 30.

Easter Sunday Ceremony of Remembrance - a date for the diary - Sunday April 12th - Honoring St. Margaret's & Fingal

To honor the brave men & women of St. Margaret's & Fingal who fought in 1916 and in the war of Independence, following 11am mass at St. Margaret's church, a parade will commence at St. Margaret's Graveyard  led by the colour party of Fingal Old IRA Commemorative Society 1916 - 1921 & Black Raven Pipe Band to the St. Margaret's GAA grounds.

Once at the grounds, there'll be a reading of the Proclamation followed by the raising of the colors. Refreshments afterwards. All welcome to this truly historical event.

In the lead up to this event, we'll be publishing a 'Remembering our Past' series of articles from newspaper archives and various sources to discover how our community and club here in St. Margarets has evolved over the years.

Remembering our Past ... 1941 Irish-Independent 31-03-1941

Dublin's Junior Team

A trial game between Fingal and Dublin selections was played at Swords yesterday and resulted in a win for Dublin by 3-6 to 2-6. Subsequently the following team was selected to represent Dublin against Kildare in the Junior football championship:

E. Ryan (Cinn na Gaedheal), J. Slanning (St. Margaret's), C Donnellan (Droigendoir), F. Harford (Ballyboughal), J. Macken (St. Margaret's), K. Doherty (Droigeadoiri), T. Walsh (P. Mackens), B. Gorman (Pioneers), J. Skelly (St. Margaret's), K. Sornervlllfe (Kevins), W. Cannon (O'Dwyers), T. Banks (Sean McDermotts), K. O'Rourke (Southern Gaels), T. Markey (St. Margaret's), J. Fitzpatrick (Thos. Ashe)

Reserves - P. O'Connor (G.S.R.), T. Reynolds (T. Agnes), L. Clifford (St. Ashe), J. Keenan (Fingallians), W. Bradshaw (St. Margaret's), K. Stafford (Brian Boru), M. McDonnell (Cuchullians), T. Driver (P. Mackens), P. O'Loughlin (R. Towers), R. Martin (Sb. Margaret's), P. Ellis (St Maurs)


Source: 1941 Irish Independent 1905 Current 31-03-1941 page 5

Remembering our Past ...1909 Drogheda Independent 17/04/1909

Na Raoim Oga (St Margaret's)

Under the surpice of the Gaelic League Branch, a ceilidh is being held on tomorrow night in aid of the club.

Visitors from neighboring towns and branches are invited.

Admission 6d.

Practice as usual tomorrow.

Match with Innisfails (A) team on Sunday 25th.

Source: Drogheda Independent 1884-current, 17/04/1909, page 5

Remembering our Past ...1909 Drogheda Independent 14/09/1907

Drogheda Independent 1884-current, 14.09.1907, page 4


At the annual general meeting of this blanch, held on Thursday week last, it was decided to change the language class night from Thursday to Tuesday ; it was also decided to hold the annual concert au Sunday, October 6th. Work was begun on Tuesday evening last when a good crowd turned in, including some new members. All others who intend joining the branch should do so now, as there is a beginners class started.


The above branch has been doing little or no-thing during the summer months, and will bring its scattered forces to-morrow (Sunday evening) in the " Dun na nGaedeal" for a short entertainment or branch " Ceilid " which is to be the formal opening of another session of hard work and study for the Gaelic revival. All members and intending members are requested to be in attendance at 8 30 sharp. At our monthly committee meeting on Sunday evening last, it was resolved to recommence the class work immediately and to organise a concert in the near 'future. Next meeting on Tuesday every next, at 8.39 sharp.


Granted fine weather to-morrow, the pro-gramme arranged by above branch should be carried to a successful issue. A start will be made at 3 o'clock with the hurling match—Fiogai v Rathmines—and a rattling good game may be expected. A representative team of Fingallians has been chosen, and selected players are requested to be in attendance at half. past 2, in order that the match may be started punctually at 3. After the hurling a programme of athletic events will be gone through. Tiny include—boys' race, half mile (men), sack race, pole jump, tug-of-war, and a confined bicycle race. Good prizes will be given in each event. To finish up, an aeridheacht will be held. Contributors will include—songs, Messrs M`Glynn, O'Byrne, Grimes, Misses Bryan, Hughes, etc' dances by Messrs Cuffe, Kiernao, etc ; pipe selections by Mr D'Arcy, and recitations by Mr O'Byrne.


On next Monday evening, 16th, at 7.30, the above branch opens the year's work. The present arrangement of classes is as follows :—Monday evening—Lessons on the direct method. Tuesday —Reading, writing. Wednesday—Singing, tonic sol fa. Friday—Irish dancing. Lessons on the direct method will consist wholly, of conversational lessons. Beginners can join this class. The test books will be An t11615 bOitiea part I ; handbook of Irish Mac Henry part I. It is hoped to secure a teacher of dancing shortly. Balbriggan will then be able to remove the stigma of having no step dancers. It is to be distinctly understood that only those who are bona fide members of the language classes will be allowed to attend the dancing class.

Subscription to language and singing classes zd per week. Mr Tomas O'Colman, N T, has kindly consented to teach the language and singing classes. During the winter session arrangements will be made to have readings and lectures on history, music, temperance, economics, etc. The committee gratefully acknowledge the following subscriptions in answer to the recent appeal :—Mr P Cuonsky, Tankerville, ins ; Mr M Sharkey, Drogheda street, 5s ; Mr Wm Cumisky, Drogheda street, 5s. Subscriptions thankfully received and acknowledged by Mr James M‘Glew or Mr T O'Colman.

Remembering our Past ...1907 Freemans Journal 24/08/1907 - Wrestling

Freemans Journal 1763-1924, 24.08.1907, page 19


DUBLIN wrestling committee. At a mooting of the Co. Dublin Wrestling Committee (G.A.A.) held on Thursday, final azrangotnenta wore completed for the amt./fits on The 'Thatch Grounds to-morrow at 3 p.m. Several well-known wrestlers in the collar-and-elbow style have entered, and followers of the game that wore once familiar on the Phoenix Park when wrestling was in full swing on Sunday evenings will ho round the ring.

The three LS cups and the medals have attracted some first-class talent, and a good evening's sport, followed by many more, is anticipated are the championships are decided. - The following are the entries for Sunday's contests

  • Heavyweights - (Dublin) - S. M'Loughlin v. J. Geraghty (St. Margaret's) ; R. Curtis (Drumcondra) v. John Gallagher. (Dublin)
  • Middle weights - Bros (Tallaght) v. P. Hughes (Swords) ; Milea Perry (Tallaght) v. Robert Savage - (Swords); John Ros.siter (Tallaght) v. Fitzpatrick (Malahide); John Poynton (Tallaght) v. Dockrell (Donabate); C. Lawrence (Crumlin) v. Donis Cully (Dublin); John Lynch (Crumlin) v. Farrell (St, Margarets); Wm. King (Crumlin) v Scully St Margaret's.
  • Lightweights - John Uealy (Tallaght) c. John Daly (Driurcondral ; John Norton (Tallaght) v. C. Shoridan

Referees--Mes3re. Sa.vagA, lime; Cur! s. "Loughlin, Lawronco, Otyrne, Cully, and St Margarets.'

Remembering our Past ... Language Fund Collection 18-5-1907

Drogheda Independent 1884-current, 18.05.1907, page 4

Craod Colmcille, Sono

The Ceilidh of above brandi will be held on Sunday, May 26th, and in connection with same: there will be hurling and football matches, of which full particulars will be given next week.


The committee wish to think the following who subscribed to the Language Collection made some time ago in this district :-

  • 5s each - Rev'J MiDonnell, CC ; Rev M O'Rourke, C C ; Rev J M‘Donnell, C C; T Boylan, M Dunne, D C; and M M Donnell. +s—NY Reilly.
  • 2s 6d - Mrs Lambe, Ryan, D Farrell.
  • 2s - H Conner,-.W. Duke, Mrs Carroll, Lumley, Mrs J Duane, Mrs J Gilsenan, C Gilsenan:
  • Is 6d - P Owens. is7—E Scully, M Barrett, E Conden. In accordance with the rules of the Gaelic League, £2 of this has been sent in to to the Central Organisation.

*** Several reports, though:in type, have had to be held over because of extreme pressure on our space ..