St Margaret’s GAA is honoured to submit our application for the “Club of the Year” award.

Our club  and clubhouse facilities have long been a cornerstone of the St Margaret’s community within Fingal  County Council, embodying the principles of community, inclusivity, sports and development. Below,  we provide a comprehensive overview of our achievements, contributions, and vision for the future,  which we believe make us stand out amongst our peers within our Fingal community. 

About Us

Records show that Gaelic games were played in the St. Margaret’s parish from the late 1800s, making  it one of the oldest surviving clubs in Dublin. The club was formally established in 1908. 

Today our inclusive club attracts players of all ages and genders, from under 8 years to over 40. Our  players and their families come from a vibrant growing population around St. Margaret’s and  outwards to towns and hinterlands that include Swords, Hollystown, Ashbourne and Finglas. 

Within our community we have: 

  • Annual Club/Family Day  
  • Hosting Inter County Game 
  • LGFA Inter County Games 
  • Schools’ Sports Days 

St. Margarets is located in the Dubber Electoral Division encompassing over 17 square kilometres  with total population of approx. 9,000 (as per 2022 census) having increased by 21%. Over 26% of  the population is under the age of 17 while 4% is over the age of 65. The average age was 32.7 as of  2022 with approx. 8% of the population identified as persons with disabilities. 

Given the close proximity of Kilshane, Coolquoy & Killsallaghan & The Ward electoral divisions, from  which both the GAA club draws its members, the population catchment increases to more than  24,500 

Our primary goal is to ensure that St Margarets GAA is not merely a gaelic football club but a  cornerstone of the local community—a place where individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities  feel welcomed, valued, and empowered. We aspire to be more than a destination for sports  enthusiasts; we strive to be a beacon of hope, opportunity, and inspiration for everyone within our  reach.  

In pursuit of our vision, we are committed to following principles:

  • Inclusivity and Diversity 
  • Accessibility and Affordability 
  • Community Engagement 
  • Health and Well-being 
  • Environmental Sustainability 
  • Youth & Rural Development 
  • Leadership & Personal Development 

Local Community Engagement 

Community Day

One of our flagship events is our annual Community Day, which brings together local businesses,  schools, teachers, parents, and neighbours. This celebration of community spirit features mini football games, stalls hosted by local businesses, BBQ, music and interactive activities for families.  This year’s event drew over 250 attendees and strengthened ties across the community. 

Use of Clubhouse for Community Events

Our clubhouse is a hub for community activities. Over the past year, it has hosted: Fitness classes, Pilates and circuit training. 

  • Workshops for community engagement including Eirgrid & Fingal led community  engagement workshops 
  • Kids and teenage discos. 
  • Hallowe’en events 

Hosting of Fingal Development Plan Events

We partnered with Fingal County Council to host consultation sessions for the Fingal Development  Plan. These sessions empowered residents to voice their opinions on critical infrastructure and  development projects for the region. 

Hosting of EirGrid Information Days

Our facilities served as the venue for EirGrid Information Days, providing a platform for community  members to engage with key stakeholders on important infrastructure updates. 


The Oskars, a local film-making initiative, engaged members of all ages in creative collaboration. This  initiative raised money to improve club facilities for the community and involved the entire  community, including volunteers and parents from our three local primary schools. The participating  schools were also awarded funds raised through the event. 


Robust Executive Team

Our executive team is made up of individuals with deep experience across multiple industries and 

specialist knowledge including engineers, accountants and consultants each with their own  accreditations. Our team is enhanced through the appointment of trained individuals holding  positions including Children’s officer, Health & Wellbeing, GPO, Treasurer. A full list of our executive  team members are listed on 

Previous successful projects include: 

  • All weather, floodlit adult pitch (electronic scorecard & protective barrier) Additional adult pitch 
  • Juvenile pitch 
  • Club shop, offering club merchandise, snacks and drinks 
  • Training hall 
  • Fully fitted gym 

Financial Oversight

We have implemented strong financial governance measures, including annual audits, transparent  financial reporting, and a dedicated finance subcommittee. This ensures accountability and  sustainable growth for the club.

Social Inclusion

All Stars Program

Our ‘All-Stars’ initiative is designed to provide children with disabilities an opportunity to engage in  football in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our volunteers undergo specialised training in  working with children with additional needs to create a more inclusive club. 

Ladies Teams Growth

As of 2024, the club boasts five juvenile ladies’ teams and two adult ladies’ teams, reflecting our  commitment to fostering female participation. 

Gaelic4Girls Program

We successfully implemented the Gaelic4Girls program, which introduces young girls to football in a  fun and encouraging environment. 

50th Anniversary of LGFA

The club celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association with special  events and commemorations, highlighting our longstanding commitment to promoting women’s  sports. 

White Bib Volunteer Initiative

Our adult teams participate in the White Bib Volunteer Initiative, giving back by coaching and  mentoring juvenile teams, fostering intergenerational learning and community spirit. 

Saturday Nursery

Our dedicated volunteers run our Saturday Nursey club focussing on 4–6-year-olds, introducing them  to sport and social activities in a safe and secure environment


Value of Volunteering

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our club. This year, over 60 volunteers dedicated more than 7,000 hours to activities such as coaching, mentoring, event planning, and maintaining facilities. These  efforts align with the core GAA values of respect, teamwork, and community spirit. According to the  recent ‘Economic and Social Value of Gaelic Games on the Island of Ireland report’ this equates to a  social return in our community of 2.30:1 – the value for every €1 invested the value returned to our  community is at least €2.30 

Recognition of Players & Volunteers

In early December, St Margarets GAA held our Juvenile & Minors awards ceremony recognising the  great achievement of our younger players awarding their medals and trophies. Additionally, the  recognition of our many volunteers was acknowledged.

Source: The economic and social value of Gaelic games on the island of Ireland: Summary Report,  November 2024

Charity Work

Dillon Quirke Foundation

We supported the Dillon Quirke Foundation, raising funds to promote awareness and early  intervention for cardiac conditions in young athletes. 

Additional Charities

Over the years, the club has contributed to various local and national charities. Specific examples  include fundraising drives for Kilcoscan, Rivermeade and St Margaret’s National Schools as part of  our Oskars fundraising. All 3 schools received a significant contribution to support their individual  needs.

Local Schools

GPO Engagement

Our Games Promotion Officer (GPO) works daily in three local schools, delivering football sessions  and fostering a love for the sport among students. 

Community and School Games

We co-hosted Community and School Games, offering students a chance to engage in friendly  competitions. Mixed-team and all-girls team competitions organised by the GPO have been  particularly successful. 

Facilities for Schools

Local schools frequently use our facilities for matches and sports days, strengthening the bond  between the club and the educational community.

Community Wellness Initiatives

Ireland Lights Up Campaign

We participate annually in the Ireland Lights Up campaign, encouraging community members to use  our grounds for walking in a safe and well-lit environment. Solar lights have been installed to ensure  accessibility at all times. 

Darkness Into Light

The club supports the Darkness Into Light initiative, hosting events that raise awareness and funds  for mental health services. 

Jigsaw Workshops

Workshops hosted by Jigsaw for teenage teams addressed mental health and resilience, equipping  young athletes with essential life skills. 

Movember Workshops

Movember workshops focused on men’s health issues, promoting awareness and support among our  members.

Community Safetalk

We organised Safetalk sessions to train community members in recognising and responding to  mental health crises. 

Smoke Free Club

In 2024, our club introduced a smoke-free policy throughout the grounds. Our team engaged with  our members over a number of months to speak about the benefits of becoming smoke free and  commenced in-club advertisement campaign. 


Our in-house gym offers Fitness programmes by a qualified gym instructor accessible to all in the  community.

Best In Class Management

Our GAA club operates at a “best-in-class” standard by implementing a range of innovative practices,  processes, and technologies that promote efficiency, inclusivity, and excellence across all aspects of  club management. Key elements of our approach include:

Strong Governance and Leadership

  • Committee Structure: Our club has a clearly defined and transparent governance structure, with  sub-committees dedicated to areas such as finance, facilities, player development, fundraising, and  community engagement. 
  • Strategic Planning: We have a rolling 3 year strategic plan aligned with both club and community  initiatives 
  • Compliance: The club adheres to all GAA regulations, safeguarding policies, and governance best  practices.

Financial Sustainability and Transparency

  • Modern Accounting Systems: We use digital accounting tools to ensure accurate financial reporting  and budgeting, providing full transparency to members. 
  • Diverse Fundraising: We maintain a mix of revenue streams, including membership subscriptions,  sponsorships, grant applications, and fundraising events. 
  • Grants and Supports: The club actively applies for funding from government programs (e.g., Sports  Capital Programme) to ensure continuous development.

Emphasis on Inclusivity and Community Engagement

  • Youth Development: We run extensive coaching and mentoring programs for juveniles, with a focus  on developing not only sporting skills but also personal growth and resilience.
  • Community Outreach: The club collaborates with local schools, community groups, and charities to  deliver events and activities that benefit the broader community. 
  • Inclusivity: Our programs cater to members of all abilities and backgrounds, including initiatives like  GAA for All.

Efficient Facilities Management

  • Sustainability: Our development plans are focussing on ensuring facilities align with sustainable  practices to include water, recycle and light management 
  • Safe and Modern Infrastructure: The club is dedicated to ensuring facilities provide for a safe,  enjoyable experience for all, including players, supporters, and visitors. 
  • Booking and Usage Optimisation: An online facility booking system ensures fair and efficient use of  pitches and amenities.

Leveraging Technology for Innovation

  • Membership Management: We use online platforms for membership renewals, communications,  and club updates, ensuring streamlined and professional interaction with members. 
  • Social Media and Communication: Active and engaging social media presence, alongside newsletters  and including ClubZap, keeps members informed. 
  • Performance Analytics: We are trailing new technology to enhance player and team performance.

Volunteer and Member Engagement

  • Volunteer Development: Training programs for coaches, mentors, and administrators ensure that all  volunteers are equipped with the skills to excel in their roles. 
  • Recognition: Regular awards and acknowledgments celebrate the contributions of players, coaches,  and volunteers. 
  • Open Forums: We hold regular meetings to gather input and feedback from members, fostering a  culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Strong Focus on Health and Wellbeing

  • Mental Health Initiatives: Our club actively promotes mental health awareness through campaigns,  workshops, and partnerships with organizations like Jigsaw and Pieta House. 
  • Healthy Club Project: We participate in the GAA’s Healthy Club initiative, offering programs such as  “Ireland Lights Up” walks and nutrition workshops.

By combining strong leadership, community focus, modern technology, and best practices in  governance and sustainability, our club has established itself as a benchmark for excellence in the  day-to-day running of a GAA club. This commitment ensures a positive experience for all  stakeholders and a lasting legacy for future generations.

Future Plans

Our club is embarking on an ambitious project to enhance our facilities, ensuring that our members  have access to the best possible resources. Among the planned upgrades are a new all-weather pitch  and an astro training area, which will provide our teams with top-tier surfaces to train and play on,  regardless of the weather conditions. This will greatly enhance our training capabilities and match  preparedness, fostering the growth and development of our players. 

In addition to the new pitches, we are also focused on improving other essential aspects of our club’s  infrastructure. Enhanced drainage systems will be installed to prevent waterlogging, ensuring that  our pitches remain in excellent condition throughout the year. We are also expanding our car parking  facilities to accommodate more vehicles, making it easier for members and visitors to access our  grounds. Furthermore, other services and amenities around the club will be upgraded to improve the  overall experience for everyone who visits. 

This ambitious set of development initiatives will be completed in a phased basis. 

Phase 1 of development will include the extension of the main pitch walkway around the perimeter  of the juvenile pitch. In addition, a new biocycle wastewater treatment unit and drainage area will be  installed, and the car parking facilities will be extended into the grass triangle behind the clubhouse.

This phase is focused on improving the community amenities in the complex, with the needed  replacement of the outdated septic tank, improvement to car parking, and the expansion of the  be completed by early 2025. 

Phase 2 of development will include the conversion of the car park in the old tennis courts into a high grade astro surface training area, that will provide training facilities for our juvenile teams all year round. This will greatly improve the training experience for our younger teams in particular and will extend their playing and training season for longer during periods of wet weather. This phase is due to be completed by late 2025.

Phases 3 & 4 of the development plan include the larger scale planned enhancements, and will be  sequenced according to grant funding and financial supports available over the period. It will include;  

(a) Enhancement and upgrade to the clubhouse building. This is slated to include improvements  to the dressing rooms, meeting facilities, and introduce other social gathering points. Further details  of these plans will be introduced at a later date.  

(b) A new artificial surface adult size all-weather playing pitch, which will be located on the  imprint of the current ‘back’ pitch in the St. Margaret’s complex. This will greatly enhance the playing  and training opportunity for all teams in the club, and will help us to maximise the availability of   suitable playing surfaces regardless of the weather conditions. This will also include a  Phases 3 & 4 are envisaged to be completed between 2027 and 2029. 


We are pleased to present the following video and print articles as testimonials to our vibrant club: St Margarets – AIG Campaign: 

ERP Packaging Testimonial:

Independent Newspaper – The small north Dublin club battling it out with the best battling-it-out-with-the-best/a1115207978.html 

Instagram: Year in Review 2024 

Independent Newspaper: Deirdre Colgan honoured by LGFA for her outstanding work with St  Margaret’s and Dublin for-her-outstanding-work-with-st-margarets-and-dublin/a1183622731.html

St Margarets GAA exemplifies what it means to be a community-centred organisation. Through  sporting excellence, governance, volunteering, and engagement, we have made a lasting impact on  our local area. Winning the “Club of the Year” award would validate the collective efforts of our  members, volunteers, and supporters while inspiring us to reach even greater heights in serving our  community. 

We sincerely thank Fingal County Council for considering our application and look forward to  continuing to serve as a beacon of community spirit and development.